About Us

We are iPlate, a brand born from the DNA of food delivery and meal kit businesses.

Our founder

Food has always been a passion for me, and Asian cuisine in particular has my heart. Born and raised in Sydney, I learned to appreciate the diverse range of cuisines available to us, but my heritage drew me towards Asian food. My parents, who are originally from Shanghai, were amazing cooks and inspired me to learn to cook myself. However, cooking from scratch every day was a challenge, especially when I started living alone. I turned to takeout, but it was not only expensive, but also unhealthy.

As someone who works in data analytics, I began to think about how I could automate the process of preparing meals while still enjoying delicious Asian food. This led me to explore meal kits and ready-made meals, but they didn't quite satisfy the craving of my mother's cooking. So, I decided to create my own range of dishes that were reminiscent of my mum's cooking, but also accessible to everyone, including those unfamiliar with Asian cuisine.

Thus, iPlate was born, a range of frozen meals that can be easily prepared for a quick, but delicious dinner. Our goal is to provide Aussies with a convenient option for food prep throughout the week, especially on days when they don't have the time or energy to cook from scratch. We also love introducing the Asian cuisine to those less familiar with it, without needing to navigate a 20-page menu in a foreign language.

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Our values