Cookbook: BBQ Pork Ribs


Microwave (Express Option)

1. Place pouch into microwave-safe dish or plate, then puncture holes on the side facing up. Heat 5-7 minutes depending on how defrosted ribs are, note that this product is already completely cooked, just needs to be thoroughly heated.

2. Allow to cool then remove packaging entirely and enjoy!


Oven (Optimal Taste)

Step 1

Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees on fan forced (if option available, else grill).

After rib packet is defrosted, drain liquids.


Step 2

Line oven tray with baking paper, then some foil and empty rib package onto foil sheet.


Step 3

Fold corners and edges of the foil up, to form a makeshift bowl.


Step 4 (Asian-style only)

Drizzle sauce packet evenly onto the ribs, being careful of sauce leaking outside of makeshift foil bowl.


Step 5

Place into oven, making sure the opening in the foil is big enough for the heat to reach. Leave for 10 minutes, before changing oven mode to grill.


Step 6

Slice and serve!